AA Rosenbaum Приложения

iBless Torah 1.0
AA Rosenbaum
Learn to chant the Torah and Haftarah blessings! iBless Torahincludes the full text of the blessings recited before and afterthe Torah and Haftarah readings, complete with audio, vowelizedHebrew and transliterated text. As the blessings are chanted, theHebrew and transliterated text is highlighted, one word at a time.Users can pause after each screen, tap the screen and listen again,or go forward to the next section.
Hebrew/Yiddish Notes+Keyboard 2.0.1
AA Rosenbaum
Hebrew/Yiddish Notes+Keyboard is the best way to write Hebrew textwith nikud (vowel points), trop (cantillation marks), and Yiddishcharacters on your Android device. It consists of a bi-directionalnotes app, plus a keyboard that can be used for text entry in anyapp. To switch to an English keyboard, long-press on the space barto see a menu of available keyboards. Long-press on the space barto switch back to the Hebrew or Yiddish keyboards. The notes appfeatures the Traditional Hebrew/Yiddish OpenType Unicode font. Thisfont, designed specifically for Android, accurately rendersBiblical Hebrew, with proper placement of vowels (nikud, nekudot)and cantillation marks (trop, te'amim); it also supports medialmeteg placement. This font supports Yiddish with all of the specialYiddish forms -- komets alef, pasekh alef, tsvey vovn, vov yod,khirik yod, tsvey yodn, pasekh tsvey yudn. The font can becontinuously re-sized to suit your needs, both for viewing on yourdevice and for printing. The notes app supports titles for notes,unlimited undo/redo, and printing through Google Cloud Print. Notesare automatically saved as you type. The notes app saves files asplain Unicode text. Files can be shared. The Hebrew/Yiddishkeyboard supports two languages: Hebrew (עברית) and Yiddish(ייִדיש). Each language has its own keyboard layout. Hebrew: TheHebrew letters and vowels, with the vowels in an extra top row ofthe keyboard, plus a separate layout for the cantillation marks. Along press on most keys pops up a menu with additional forms. Forexample, a long press on the bet brings up the option for bet withdagesh, a long press on the vav brings up options for vav withdagesh (shuruq), holammale, and vav with holam haser,and a longpress on the kamatz brings up options for the kamatz katan, hatafkamatz, and the number 6. Yiddish: The Yiddish letters, withnumbers in an extra top row of the keyboard. A long press onspecific letter keys brings up options for additional Yiddishletters. Long press on bet, kaf, and pe for the dagesh or rafeforms of those letters. Long press on yod or vav for other forms ofthose letters. Long press on gimel, zayin, het, tsadi and tav forthose letters pre-composed with geresh. Long press on the singlequote for for geresh, long press on the double quote for gershayim.Long press on the numbers for commonly used symbols. Within eachlanguage, the keyboard supports the usual numbers and symbolslayout and a format layout which includes the Unicode bidirectionalcontrol characters (RLM, LRM, RLE, LRE, LRO, RLO, PDF), and severalother Unicode special characters (CGJ, ZWJ, ZWNJ, NBSP, ZWSP) whichare sometimes needed for correctly displaying Hebrew, Yiddish ormixed direction text. The keyboard's appearance and otherproperties can be changed via the keyboard settings. Long press onthe comma key and select the gear icon. To find the help file forthe keyboard, long press on the comma key and select the questionmark icon. Hebrew/Yiddish Notes+Keyboard is a joint project ofZigZag, Inc. and Davka Corporation.
My Tanach (Hebrew Bible)
AA Rosenbaum
Fully-pointed Hebrew Tanach, resizable text, bookmarks, socialmedia sharing